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no Belgium was in 1893, followed by Australia in 1914

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Q: Was Australia the first country to introduce a compulsory voting system?
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Why Australia belong to capitalist country?

Australia is a sovereign nation and does not 'belong' to anyone. The economic system in Australia is their own affair. Australia chooses to use the capitalistic economy model, as is their right. Being settled by the British, it was modelled on the British system.

What system did William introduce to England?

The Feudal System

What country using Reverse Osmosis system for the tap water?

Australia uses the Reverse Osmosis system for tap water.

What king of country are there in Australia?

Australia does not have a monarchy system, although technically it's the Queen of England. That's really only on paper, though.

What number system did Australia use before 1965?

The Hindu-Arabic positional system, as in every other country for at least 1500 years!

What will happen to the people who dont get to the polls on election day?

If they don't go to the polls, they don't get to vote. In some countries, such as Australia, voting is compulsory. There is no escape! (But you can spoil your voting paper if you feel hacked-off with the whole system).

Is Australia socialist or captalist?

Yes No, Australia has a mixed economy with many of the feature of a capitalist system such as a free enterprise system but also a government opperated social security system that is paid for out of taxation. The fact is that there is no such thing as a capitalist country in the world.

When did Australia have a class system?

do Australia have class system

Who first introduce a system for classinfgy organism?


Selective Service System?

an independent federal agency that administers compulsory military service

Who finances the Australian Government?

The Australian government is financed by the country's taxpayers. Australia's tax system is similar to that of the United States.

When was Australia's education system last changed?

How is Australia's education system