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Custer was a colonel during the Battle of Little Big Horn, as a regiment is normally commanded by a colonel, while a general commands multiple regiments. I think the confusion over Custer's rank is because during the Civil War he was promoted to brevet general (sort of a temporary general, promoted in the field). After the war Custer got himself in some trouble and was demoted back to colonel, and he never rose to the rank of general again.

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Q: Was Custer a general or colonel during the Battle of Big Horn?
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Was Custer a general or a colonel?

Custer was a colonel, although during the Civil War he attained the rank of a brevet general. Brevet means a temporary promotion to general. Although Custer kept his brevet rank for a time after the war, it was later taken away from him, and he was a colonel when he died. [If Custer had been a general at Little Big Horn he would have commanded more than one regiment.]

What U.S. general was killled at the battle of Little Bighorn?

None. Custer was a colonel at the time of his death. He was a general during the Civil War, but as most were, was reduced in rank after hostilities ended.

Who lost the battle of big horn?

General Geogre Custer's side lost the battle. Custer was also killed during the battle.

How did the native Americans view general Custer?

General Custer was viewed as a bully and Indian hater by the Native American's and their sympathisers. Custer died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head during the Battle of Little Big Horn.

Who was a general that crushed the native Americans?

General George Armstrong Custer was known as the "Indian Killer". Until the Lakota killed him during the Battle of the Little Big Horn.

Who died last at the battle of the little big horn?

The highest ranking officer at the Little Big Horn was Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer, who died at the battle. He had been brevetted to brigadier general during the Civil War, but returned to his regular rank of captain after the war. He was gradually promoted, and lieutenant colonel when he died.

Who were the generals in the battle of trenton?

During the Battle of Trenton the American troops were led by General George Washington. The Hessians and British troops involved in this battle were led by Colonel Rahl.

Who was killed at the Battle of Little Big Horn?

Ulysses S. Grant was the President of the United States during the Battle of Little Big Horn in June of 1876. The Battle of Little Big Horn took place in Montana between the U.S. Calvary and Native Americans that included the Sioux. The battle was won by the Native Americans.

Who fought in Custer's last stand?

Custer's Last Stand refers to the Battle of the Little Bighorn, which took place from June 25 to 26, 1876. The result of the battle was a victory for the Native Americans.

What US general died during the Battle of Little Bighorn?

No general died at Little Bighorn, Custer had been a temporary ("brevet") brigadier general during the civil war, but had been reverted to his previous rank of captain in the 5th Cavalry as soon as the war was over.In 1866 he was promoted to Leiutenant-Colonel in charge of the newly-formed 7th Cavalry and that was the rank he held at his death in 1876.Many people continued to call him "general" as a mark of respect (or pandering to his immense self-glorification and ego). He was definitely not a general, however.

Who were the top military leaders during the battle of little big horn?

I think General Custer and Sitting Bull. Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse are the best known Native American leaders. George Armstrong Custer led the US 7th Cavalry.

Who won the battle of little bighorn?

The Sioux Indians had won the battle with all of their decisive tactics used during it.