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While it is true that the majority of Cubans supported Castro in 1959, as time went on a lot of Cubans became disenchanted with Castro's government and policies, but compared to Batista, Castro was gold.

Free education, free medical care, agrarian reform, quenching US Imperialism all benefited peoples of Cuba immensely. Before Castro, 67% of Cubans were illiterate. Castro and Che introduced excellent education system and consequently, Cuba has made its people one of the most literate in Latin America.

Health care is better than that in USA for most people, and is absolutely free. Living span of Cubans is greater than that of US Americans.

Agrarian reform distributed land to those who worked it. Before Cuban revolution, land was owned by 1% of population, and billions of dollars were stolen by USA from impoverished Cuban populace. Castro was from wealthy family and his family plantation was also given to peasants.

Human development index jumped from low to one of the highest in the World.

Rights of blacks and mulatto population were equal in new Cuba, at a time when racist segregation in USA was still a harsh reality.

USA tried to strangulate Cuba by economic sanctions, but Europe and Soviet Union help free Cuban republic. But with downfall of Soviet Union, Cuba entered economic crisis.

Castro brought freedom to the oppressed!

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