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Little is known of Washington's childhood. The legendary cherry tree incident and his inability to tell lies, of course, sprang wholly from the imagination of Parson Weems. Clearly the single greatest influence on young George was his half brother Lawerence, 14 years his senior. Having lost his father when he was 11, Washington looked upon Lawrence as a surrogate father and undoubtedly tried to emulate him. Lawrence thought that a career at sea might suit his little brother and arranged for an appoitment as midshipmen in the British navy. But Mary Washington adamantly refused. At 16, George moved in with Lawrence at his estate which he called Mount Vernon. At Mount Vernon Washiington honed his surveying skills, learned how to play billiards and he also learned how to play cards. Washington also loved the ritual of the fox hunt. In later years He often spent his evenings reading newpapers aloud to his wife.(S.Menzel)

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