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Hoover was quite wealthy when he was elected. The value of the dollar was much greater in those days-- I do not think he was a billionaire, just a multi-millionaire,

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Q: Was Herbert Hoover a billioniare before he was elected?
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Who was elected president without holding an elected office before?

Presidents who did not hold elected office before they were President are Zachary Taylor, Ulysses Grant, Herbert Hoover and Dwight Eisenhower.

What political office did Herbert Hoover hold?

Hoover was Secretary of Commerce for 8 years under Harding and Coolidge. This was his only experience in Washington. He never held any elected office before he was elected President.

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No US president lived in Washington state. Herbert Hoover lived in Oregon as a boy.

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Herbert Hoover before he was president. Woodrow Wilson was president at the time

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Herbert C. Hoover was in the military before he became president. He was the 31st President of the United States from 1929 until 1933.

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Herbert Hoover was elected President of the United States as a member of the Republican Party in the 1928 Presidential Election.Before his run for election in 1928, he had previously been offered the democratic ballot in at least one earlier election and refused.Furthermore, his career before the great Depression marked him as a "progressive" and a "reformer" among conservatives. This left his political affiliation "suspect" in the eyes of some in both parties, however, he was elected as a Republican.

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No. He was a mining engineer before he got into government.

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Herbert hoover was a great president because he helped Americans

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The answer is that several presidents had not previously held elected public office before becoming President: Zachary Taylor, U.S. Grant, William Howard Taft [although he was governor-general of the Philippines], Herbert Hoover, and Dwight Eisenhower. This now includes Donald Trump.

How many presidents held political office before being elected president?

All but 4 of the 43 Presidents held an elected office before they were President. Those that did not were Taylor, Grant, Hoover and Eisenhower. George Washington did not serve any elected office under the US Constitution, but he was elected to serveral positions in the colonial government. Herbert Hoover was Secretary of Commerce which is a national office, but is not elected.