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AnswerNo. Jesus was not mentioned in the Old Testament. To the first century Jews, Jesus could have been just another of the many wandering preachers who thought they were the long-awaited Messiah.

Christians subsequently reinterpreted the Hebrew scriptures in an attempt to show that Jesus had indeed been forshadowed in the Old Testament. But in each case an objective review of the supposed reference shows that it was not really a prophecy, or that it could have referred to almost anyone. For example, no matter how we interpret Isaiah 7:14, why would it refer to Jesus? The passage did not name him or provide the faintest clue that would suggest that it referred to any child other than the one born a few verses later in the Book of Isaiah.

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Q: Was Jesus described in the Old Testament but ignored by Jews?
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Who were the other sheep spoken of by Jesus in the New Testament?

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