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Yes, she was

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Q: Was Marie Curie the only girl to find a element?
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Is the element lead still used in pencils?

Not as far as I know. You would have to find a very old pencil. These days a pencil's inner core is mostly made of a form of carbon usually known as graphite. Suke girl.

Why do people say that element 115 can bring the dead back to life?

Because the element 115 does in fact reanimate the body. It takes the hadron collider to create just a few atoms of this element though. Element 115 has been around since 2003 when Bob Lazar gave it fame. The true name of element 115 is Ununpentium and it is a radioactive man-made element. Scientists used a cyclotron to fire a rare calcium isotope at an americium target. Element 115 (temporarily named unupentium) was created when the calcium and americium nuclei fused. The unupentium persisted for less than one-tenth of a second before decaying into element 113 (ununtrium), which persisted for over a second.A girl died, her name was Samantha. She died of cancer, but on her death bed she told scientists to bring her the element 115. She died before they got enough to use, but her father "works in a high position for Treyarch" demanded they inject it in to her anyways. They gave her corpse the element 115, but it killed the scientists that administered it to her. But it did in fact bring her back to life. She was the one that killed the scientists, after she got the element 115.

What does the number at the top of the periodic table square of each element tell you about an element?

the each square on the periodic table of elements tells you about how much atoms something has. FOR EXAMPLE: when you and your boy/girl friend get in the mood you all take off your clothes and get into bed. Once you get in bed the guy sticks his PENIS in the womans VAGINA. If you forget birth control or condums or some other kind of protection you create a child when the sprim greets an egg. That is how things are chemically attracted to one another

Where is girl weak spot?


Can a girl cheat a pregnancy test?


Related questions

What did Marie Curie look like when she was little?

cute little girl

Was Marie Curie rich when she was a little girl?

she was poor

What was Marie Curie like as a youngster?

Marie Curie was a physicist and chemist. She went to school as a young girl and also tutored. It is though that Marie suffered from depression.

Who is the first girl to see polonium?

Polonium was discovered by Marie Curie and Pierre Curie in 1898.

What did Marie curie do before becoming famous?

She was a Corner Girl

Who are the most well known famous girl chemists?

Marie Curie.

How many daughters did marie curie have?

Marie Curie has 2 daughters, Irène Joliot-Curie & Ève Curie.

What is the best double name for a girl?

Amelia Marie. Amelia Earhart and Marie Curie. So simple. Both women were so brave and ambitious.

Is Marie curie a boy or girl?

Marie Curie is a woman that was born in November of 1867 in Poland, France. She worked in the field of physics and chemistry. She studied through the University of Paris. And died in Passy, Haute-Savoie, France in July of 1934.

Why was Marie curie so determined to find radium?

Marie Curie was so determined to find radium because as a young girl she was interested in physics and science so she devoted her life to science because it was her dream and for her it was very interesting. Imagine doind all this research in a time where woman wer not interested in doing these discoveries. She was the first to win the nobel prize two times in a row.

What was some of Marie curie hobbies?

Marie Skłodowska Curie was a physicist and chemist of Polish upbringing and subsequent French citizenship. She enjoyed studying. She used to neglect sleep and food, just so she could study.

What qualities that Marie Curie haved that make her a hero?

Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and the only person to win the Nobel Prize twice. She was also the worlds leading radiation and physics scientists of her time (1898)