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Yes and No, A hundred years before the American Revolution, another great war took place in New England. This war lasted over a year (1675 - 1676) and proved to be the bloodiest war (per capita) in American history.

The early Puritans and Pilgrims that settled in Massachusetts lived peacefully with the native Indians for many years. The early settlers, fewer in number and lacking basic survival skills in the New England wilderness, looked to the natives for assistance, even to their very survival, as they learned to plant corn and survive in their environment.

But over the years, the English, or "Yangeese" as the local Indians called them, thrived as more settlers moved to the colonies and built up houses and towns, even shipping in their cattle and setting up fences for pasture lands. Gradually the Indians came to resent the colonists who crowded in on the wilderness, driving away the Indians' wild game, and brought cattle that trampled the Indians' corn crops.

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