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Q: Was New York the first to abolished slavery?
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Was New York a slave state in 1846?

No. New York abolished slavery in 1827

When was slavery legally abolished in New York?

yes in 1827

What year did New York abolish slavery?

they abolished slavery in the northern united states in 1861 and in the southern united states slavery was abolished in 1865.

What year was slavery abolished in New York and new jersey?

Slavery was abolished in New York in 1827 and in New Jersey in 1804.

Who wrote and eventually had passed the law that abolished slavery in New York State?


After the revolution slavery was abolished in New York and Pennsylvania but continued to exist in New England and the south. Is this true?


Why didn't Virginia Rhode Island New York and North Carolina not ratify the Constitution?

slavery not to be abolished

What year did Delaware abolish slavery?

Delaware abolished slavery in 1865, following the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution that officially outlawed slavery in all states.

When did the state of New Mexico abolish slavery?

The state of New Mexico abolished slavery on December 6, 1865, when it ratified the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which officially ended slavery in the United States.

What were Gouverneur Morris's views on slavery?

New York Manumission Society founder with John Jay in 1785. It is an American organization founded to promoted abolition of slavery especially of African descendants within the state of New York. This also founded schools and orphanage for children of slaves. 1799 they abolished slaves in New York State.

What states were slave free states in 1803?

There were seven states that had abolished slavery by 1803. They were Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, New York, and Vermont.

What was Abraham Lincolns position on slavery when he was elected president?

He did not think slavery should be abolished,but he did not want it to spread to new states