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Yes, it was. At the time, it bring great prosperity to the country. If you want to compare to the modern days, it was like the first landing in the moon.

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Portugal did by vasco da gama

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Q: Was Portugal the first nation to find an all water route to the east?
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Nation whose explorers discovered the first water route to Asia by making their way around the tip of Africa?


Was Portugal was the First Nation to find an all water route to the east?

Yes, it was. At the time, it bring great prosperity to the country. If you want to compare to the modern days, it was like the first landing in the moon.

Portugal was the first nation to find an all-water route to the East.?

Yes, it was. At the time, it bring great prosperity to the country. If you want to compare to the modern days, it was like the first landing in the moon.

Who was the first country to seek a water route to Asia?

The country france was the first country to seek a water route to asia

The country that led the way in the search for an all-water route to Asia was?

Portugal did. Bartolomeu Dias was one of the first too.

How did dias new route to Asia help Portugal?

dias found an all water route to asia

How did Portugal affect the Italian spice monopply?

portugal found a water route to asia fmot&Ig @AmerisLove

Portugal's leaders wre interested in finding a water route to Asia because it lacked a?

mediterranean port

What was Portugal's purpose for exploring the new world?

Just like other nations of the time they explored to find a water route to Asia.

Who opened an all water route to the east by sailing around Africa to India?

Bartolomeu Dias

What is Vasco da Gama known for traveling?

vasco da gama was famouse for finding the water trade route to Asia.

Where does water of Portugal come from?

??? portugal? we DO have water ._. alot of it actually^^