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Yes- Reagan was the president from January 20, 1981 until January 20, 1989.

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Ronald Reagan was the President from Jan. 20, 1981 until Jan. 20, 1989.

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Q: Was Ronald Reagan president of the US for most of the 1980s?
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Ronald Reagan, most definetly.

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Jimmy Carter was president when it began, Ronald Reagan was president for most of its duration.

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Ronald Reagan was a Republican in his later career (although he had started out many years previously as a Democrat) and was a President who was much beloved by conservatives, who were the people who were most likely to vote for him.

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Ronald Reagan was a Republican in his later career (although he had started out many years previously as a Democrat) and was a President who was much beloved by conservatives, who were the people who were most likely to vote for him.

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Reagan was the most popular Republican president in recent times, possibly the most popular ever. His vice-president succeeded him, so his administration was still popular when he left it.

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Ronald Reagan, an actor and later became President of United States.