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Simon Bolivar liberated most countries in northern and western South America from Spanish dominion during the 19th century, including Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. In honour, they renamed what had formerly been known as Upper Peru: Bolivia.

He attempted to join all these countries into one large federation called Gran Colombia but unfortunately that failed. In an attempt to keep control of Gran Colombia, Simon Bolivar (who had formerly held the title of President) declared himself dictator so he would have absolute power to put down the large number of rebellions and uprising that were going on, especially in Venezuela.

So to answer the question, yes. Simon Bolivar became dictator of Gran Colombia, of which Bolivia had been a part of at the time.

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After Simon Bolivar "the liberator." Quick note however, the real liberator of Bolivia was a Potosian farmer? that had liberated the country some time before Bolivar arrived. Bolivar is credited with the liberation however.

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Bolivia is a country, not a person. It was named after Simon Bolivar. well Bolivia is located in south America if you were wondering.