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Yes, Czar Peter the Great established St. Petersburg as the capital of his empire in 1703. He wanted a capital city that could also be a seaport.

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Q: Was St. Petersburg established in 1703 by Peter the Great as the capital of the Russian Empire?
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St. petersburg was established in 1703 by peter the great as the capital of the Russian empire?

Yes, Czar Peter the Great established St. Petersburg as the capital of his empire in 1703. He wanted a capital city that could also be a seaport.

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Saint Petersburg, it was the capital city of the Russian Empire until 1918.

In which empire was st petersburg located?

St Petersburg was build by the Russian Emperor Peter the Great at 1703 and was for over 200 years the capital of the Empire until 1918 after the Russian Revolution of 1917.

What type of capital did st petersburg become after the Russian empire set up headquarters?

It became a forward capital.

What city did the movement of the headquarters of the Russian empire to st petersburg allowed that city to become?

foward capital

Movement of the headquarters of the Russian Empire to St Petersburg allowed that city to become?

Tsar Peter the Great built St. Petersburg from scratch on land taken from the Swedes. Even before it was completed, Peter moved his court from Moscow to St. Petersburg making it the capital of the Russian Empire until after the 1917 October Revolution.

The movement of the headquarters of the Russian Empire to St Petersburg allowed that city to become a n?

The movement of the headquarters of the Russian Empire to St. Petersburg allowed that city to become a forward capital. This led to economic and strategic growth of the city.

What was the primary goal or Peter the great and when he was in the Czar of Russia?

To make Russian Empire a European land. He was a Tsar of Russian Empire at early 1700's. He did established St. Petersburg (Petrograd, Leningrad) as the Northern Varposten in Russian Empire.

What languages were spoken in the Russian empire?

St. Petersburg is a Russian city and the people there speak Russian.

Who was in power of russia when Saint Petersburg was built?

Tsar Peter I of the Russian Empire was the founding monarch of St. Petersburg.

When was Olga Lebzak born?

Olga Lebzak was born in 1914, in St. Petersburg, Russian Empire.

What was the capital of the Israelites empire?

There was not an Israelite empire. There was the kingdom of Israel. David, its founder, established Jerusalem as its capital .