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That is essentially true, although the motives for Iraq's invasion of Kuwait were a bit more complicated than that. Iraq had borrowed billions of dollars from Kuwait, to help finance its war with Iran, and it did not want to repay that loan. There were disputes about oil wells on the border between Iraq and Kuwait. It is also true that in an earlier historical period, Kuwait used to be part of Iraq, so it could be argued that Iraq was asserting a historical ownership of that region. And aside from all that, Saddam Hussein announced that his purpose for invading Kuwait was to (as he put it) liberate Palestine. I interpret this to mean, he wished to build a large empire which would then have enough military power to take on Israel. So there were lots of motives. But basically yes, Iraq wanted Kuwait's rich oil supply. And the rest of the world objected to this violation of the UN charter. From our current perspective in 2013, it is hard to be sure if this was really such a good idea. Perhaps we should have just let Iraq have Kuwait.

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Q: Was The Persian Gulf War a result of Iraq invading Kuwait for their rich oil supply?
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What weapons did the US supply when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990?

The United States had previously supplied Iraq with supplies during the Iran-Iraq War, including missiles, tanks, airplanes, etc. These supplies were put to use again in the Persian Gulf War of 1990-1991, but the United States was opposed to Iraq in that war and did not supply Iraq additionally for its invasion of Kuwait.

What was the objective of Desert Storm?

As the name implies, the Persian Gulf War was fought for control of the Persian Gulf. Most of the modern world runs on oil, and most of the world's oil comes comes out of the Persian Gulf on supertankers. Ergo, the Persian Gulf is a very important body of water which Iraq threatened to take control of in 1990, as Iraq had already done with the neighboring country of Kuwait. The main idea of the Persian Gulf War was to prevent Iraq from gaining a choke hold on the world's oil supply.

What were some of the long term and short term effects of the Persian gulf war?

For the first war, the short term effect was the ongoing tension between Iraq and Kuwait over Kuwait's oil fields. Another short term effect was when Iraq invaded Kuwait to take over their oil supply.

Purpose of Persian gulf war?

Oil. The world needs it, and most of it comes from the Persian Gulf. Iraq, a country then ruled by a military regime and headed by an unstable dictator, threatened to have a choke hold on most of the world's oil supply. It was a situation which demanded immediate attention by the primary consumers of this oil, because an interruption of it would have utterly destroyed their economies. The US has emergency oil reserves for only a few months. Without oil, Stone Age conditions would prevail.

Why did you have a conflict in persin gulf war?

The Persian Gulf War was the first major international crisis to take place after the cold war (1947-89; an unarmed political conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union regarding the spread of communism). The war was the result of Iraqi troops invading neighboring Kuwait and threatening the world's oil supply. The six-week Gulf War introduced a new dimension in modern warfare: the confrontation was telecast around the world from start to finish, beginning in February 1991 and ending the following April. In the war the United Nations (an international peace-keeping force) effectively organized a coalition against Iraq. Leading members of the coalition included Egypt, France, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and the United States. The Gulf War also tested the ability of the United States and Russia to cooperate in world affairs.

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What weapons did the US supply when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990?

The United States had previously supplied Iraq with supplies during the Iran-Iraq War, including missiles, tanks, airplanes, etc. These supplies were put to use again in the Persian Gulf War of 1990-1991, but the United States was opposed to Iraq in that war and did not supply Iraq additionally for its invasion of Kuwait.

What was the objective of Desert Storm?

As the name implies, the Persian Gulf War was fought for control of the Persian Gulf. Most of the modern world runs on oil, and most of the world's oil comes comes out of the Persian Gulf on supertankers. Ergo, the Persian Gulf is a very important body of water which Iraq threatened to take control of in 1990, as Iraq had already done with the neighboring country of Kuwait. The main idea of the Persian Gulf War was to prevent Iraq from gaining a choke hold on the world's oil supply.

What were some of the long term and short term effects of the Persian gulf war?

For the first war, the short term effect was the ongoing tension between Iraq and Kuwait over Kuwait's oil fields. Another short term effect was when Iraq invaded Kuwait to take over their oil supply.

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Iraq attacked Kuwait, an important supply of oil in the middle east.

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