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The earliest map drawers eventually represented distances on their maps according to their selected scale. Explorers used different schemes to measure distances travelled and recorded or mapped out, always using the idea of a set scale to precisely represent distance. Perhaps the caveman, in drawing a journey to a good hunting ground, used some idea of distance away from the cave.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 5h ago

No, Vespucci was not the first explorer to find a way of measuring east and west distances on a map. The concept of measuring east and west distances on a map was known before Vespucci's time, dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Greeks and Romans. Vespucci's contributions to geography were more focused on explorations of the Americas and the recognition of the New World as a separate landmass from Asia.

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Q: Was Vespucci the first explorer to find a way of measuring east and west distances on a map?
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