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Antisemitism is not an inherent trait in anyone. A trait is brown eyes, straight hair, etc. It was a prejudicial choice that was made to further the Nazi Party. Hitler's grandfather was a Jew. There were Americans, British and other persons who supported Hitler for Political and Financial reasons. --- There is no evidence that Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. See the related question.

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Q: Was antisemitism an inherent trait within the German people prior to 1939 or was it a Hitler and the Nazi party prejudice?
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Who changed the focus of the National Socialist German Workers' Party in the 1920s using propaganda to advocate expansionism and Antisemitism?

Adolf Hitler

Who is known for his antiSemitism?

Adolf Hitler

What is Adolf Hitler most known for being involved in?

Adolf Hitler was most known for his involvement in the Nazi Party which was formally known as the German Worker's Party. He supported anti-communism, antisemitism, and unity of the German-speak also called Pan-Germanism.

What did the Jews do to Hitler in his childhood?

According Vol. 1 of Ian Kershaw's biography of Hitler there is no evidence of antisemitism on Hitler's part before 1917, when he was 28.

Who changed the focus of the National Socialist German Workers Party in the 1920s using propaganda to advocate expansionism and Antisemitism?

Adolf Hitler was the individual who transformed the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis) in the 1920s, using propaganda to promote expansionism and Antisemitism. Under his leadership, the party's ideology shifted towards extreme nationalism, racism, and territorial expansion.

Which genocide took place due to hitler's prejudice against the Jews?

The genocide that took place due to Hitler's prejudice against the Jews was the HOLOCAUST.

What has the author Ian Kershaw written?

Ian. Kershaw has written: 'Hitler-Mythos' -- subject(s): Politics and government, German Propaganda, Public opinion, History 'Hitler, Registerband' 'El Mito de Hitler' 'The Nazi dictatorship' -- subject(s): Politics and government, National socialism, History 'Weimar' 'Der Hitler-Mythos' -- subject(s): Public opinion, Politics and government, German Propaganda, Political psychology 'Hitler II' 'Hitler, tome 2' 'Hitler 1889 - 1945. Registerband' 'Hitler' 'Hitler' 'Hitler, 1936-45' -- subject(s): Antisemitism, Last years, Politics and government, Heads of state, Biography

What things was Hitler blamed for?

Antisemitism,the starting of world war 2,millions of jews killed

How did antisemitism contribute to the beginning of world war 2?

Antisemitism did not contribute to outbreak of World War 2. Hitler invaded Poland in order to seize land, not in order to hunt for Jews.

Did Hitler create the German Shepherd?

No, Hitler didn't create German shepherd dogs, they existed long before Hitler was around, but Hitler did own German shepherds.

What were some of Hitler's political programs?

National Socialist Program. He was the leader of it c:

What languages were spoken by Adolf Hitler?

Hitler spoke the German language.GermanHitler spoke German.