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Q: Was he Neolithic Revolution was the most important event in human history.?
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Why was the 19th century an age of progress?

Most noticeably, the British industrial revolution occurred. Which was arguably the most notable event in human history since the neolithic revolution

Was the 19th century an age of progress?

Most noticeably, the British industrial revolution occurred. Which was arguably the most notable event in human history since the neolithic revolution

Where of these statements represents an opinion rather than a fact that could be used to support an essay about the Neolithic Revolution?

"Women played a critical role in the development of agriculture during the Neolithic Revolution." This statement represents an opinion because the specific role of women in the Neolithic Revolution is subject to interpretation and not a universally accepted fact. It could be used to support an essay by presenting a particular perspective or argument about the significance of women in this historical period.

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Because it was the most important event in human history.

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The French Revolution and Industrial Revolution in a close tie

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because it was the most important event in human history

Why is the birth of farming called a revolution?

Because it was the most important event in human history.

Why is the birth of farming called revolution?

Because it was the most important event in human history.

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The fact that the new cultivation of crops during the Neolithic Revolution led to the transition from a hunter-gatherer band of tribes to settling communities with stable food supply.

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The most important event in all history is the coming of Jesus Christ.