

Was iron age in 4000bc

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Q: Was iron age in 4000bc
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Does 3000bc or 4000bc come first?

4000bc ;)

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the new stone age went for 4000 years 8000bc - 4000bc then the copper age began

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What age was after iron age?

After the Iron Age was the Middle Ages

What where the dates of the iron age?

The Iron Age in Europe is typically divided into the Early Iron Age (800-500 BC), the Middle Iron Age (500-100 BC), and the Late Iron Age (100 BC - 400 AD). These dates may vary depending on the region being studied.

Was the Stone Age before or after the Iron Age?

The Stone Age occurred before the Iron Age. The Stone Age is divided into different periods (such as the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic), during which early humans used stone tools, while the Iron Age followed when humans began to work with iron tools and weapons.

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he made it from his dad

What after the iron age?

After the Iron Age was the Middle Ages