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Q: Was it Mother's Day yesterday in America?
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How old is america today?

One day older than it was yesterday!!!

What did you wear the day after yesterday?

Yesterday is the day before this day. The day after yesterday is today. Whatever you are wearing now is the answer. Did you get it?

What day was it the day before yesterday?

Let Yesterday=-1 Today=0 Tomorrow=1 the day after yesterday=(-1)+1=0=Today the day before the day after yesterday=(-1)+[(-1)+1]=(-1)=Yesterday !!! Answer = Yesterday

What day is yesterday Is this acceptable?

It is more appropriate to ask "What day was yesterday?" to inquire about the previous day.

The day after the day before the day after yesterday?

In such questions we need to search for the starting point or the clue. The clue in the question is the word "Yesterday" which is at the last. So this is our starting point. Now lets divide the sentence into 4 parts... The day after/ the day before/ the day after yesterday So coming from back....the day after yesterday= today then continuing it....the day before( today) yesterday... The day after (yesterday) today... Or After dividing we find day after , day before as cancellation pair...and we are left with the day after yesterday......answer is Today.

What day is it If yesterday's tomorrow was Thursday what day is the day after tomorrow's yesterday?

Friday! (tomorrow)

If today is tomorrow and tomorrow was yesterday then what day is it?

day beforer yesterday

What is the meaning of all day yesterday?

If someone said 'I was tired all day yesterday" it means that all during the day yesterday, they were tired.

How do you say the day before yesterday in french?

The day before yesterday in French is "avant-hier."

What is the day before yesterday's tomorrow?


When was yesterday?

Yesterday was the day before today.

What is yesterday?

Yesterday is the day before today.