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no, it was your mom

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Q: Was it actually Jews fault in World War 1?
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How did Adolf Hitler lead Germany to start world war ll?

He told all of Germany that it wasn't their fault for losing World War 1. He said it was instead the Jews fault.

World War 2 why did world war start?

Germany blamed the Jews, Gypsies, un-Aryian races for the loss in world war one so Germany killed the Jews, Gypsies, etc... Japan wanted to control The pacific and southeast Asia and attacked the USA for them to get into the war. There're fault he he he.

What did the nazis hate jews?

Hitler believed that it was the fault of impure peoples, such as Jews and homosexuals, that Germany lost the war. He believed that the eradication of these impure people would make Germany, and the world, better.

How Hitler was involved in the world war 2?

The war was basically his fault he wanted to kill Jews because he was a butt head and people didnt want to put up with him any more..

Did the Jews win World War 2?

No, the Jews were not a side in World War 2. The Jews collectively were not combattants.

Which war did more people die in World War 1 or World War 2?

world war 2 kid, think about it, Jews, lots and lots of Jews...

What were the Nazis beliefs?

The Nazis believed that they were the master race, and that no one else was equal to them. They also blamed the loss of territory in World War 1 was the Jews fault so they cold bloodily murdered them in the Holocaust.

Jews died in World War 2?

about 6 million Jews died in all world war 2.

Was there any justice for the Jews after World War 2?

There was a lot of sentiment for Jews after World War 2. Israel was created for Zionist Jews as a result.

What was anti-senitism in World War 2?

Hatred for Jews

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What was the population of Jews After World War 2?

Immediately after World War 2 there were an estimated 12 million Jews worldwide.