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It's easy to look back and say that the US President committed an injustice to American-Japanese people. It was. However, in times of war sometimes drastic mistakes come back to haunt a nation. FDR did what he thought was necessary to protect the US homeland.

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Q: Was it right to send Japanese people to internment camps in the United States?
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Why didn't they put Muslims in internment camps after 911 like how they did with the Japanese during World War 2?

A:The Japanese residents of the United States were placed in internment camps because the United States was at war and there was the chance that the Japenese people would try to assist the Japanese war effort. This was quite different to the situation after the 911 attacks, when even the most conservative politicians recognised that the loyalties of most Muslims in the country were with the United States. There was no need or reason to place them in internment other than as a misguided and misplaced punishment for attacks they had no prior knowledge of.

Why were Japanese internment camps bad?

Japanese people were taken away from things that they loved. It was obvious that the Japanese Americans were loyal to the United States and were citizens of the country. Finally internment camps we made for the Japanese only since they were not entirely white. Germans and Italians were not singled out to be in the internment camps because they were white even though the United States were fighting against Italy and Germany too. So this shows discrimination(segregation).

What factors lead to the internment of Japanese Americans during World War 2?

Distrust and racism led to the internment of Japanese Americans during World War 2. Even families that had lived in the United States for generations were sent to camps.

Did people in internment camps starve?

No. The Japanese Internment camps were not hurtful, they simply isolated the Japanese from the rest of the country.

How did they get the Japanese into internment camps?

Force or threaten the Japanese-People

What does Japanese internment mean?

It means Japanese people Are un employed ; 0-

If the people in the United States were using money still during World War 2 then what did the Japanese use for money in the internment camps during World War 2?

world war 1 killed the most because they had more people

Why did American's put Japanese people into internment camps During world war II?

I'm not sure exactly. This is a way to get started. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Americans feared that the Japanese living in the United States would do something bad and were somehow linked to the goverment.

What group of people were placed into internment camps in the US?


What percentage of people in internment camps were Japanese?

They were ALL japaneese.

What are the Japanese pets?

They have pets like people do in the United States

Differences between Trail of Tears and Japanese internment?

The Trail of Tears was when Cherokee Indians were taken from there homes by the government, and the Japanese Internment camps were there because the government didn't trust Japanese people.