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Same-sex couples were not able to be married in California in 2011, until after the appeal of Proposition 8 which took away gay people's right to marriage is decided in Federal Court.

Same-sex couples were legally permitted to adopt children in California in 2011.

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Same-sex couples may not currently be married in California until after the appeal of Proposition 8 which took away gay people's right to marriage is decided in Federal Court. Regardless of the outcome of that case, yes, same-sex couples are legally permitted to adopt children in California.

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Q: Was same-sex marriage legal in California in 2011 and were gay people able to adopt children in California in 2011?
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None. As of June 26, 2013, gay people are able to marry persons of the same sex in California. There is no waiting period for marriage licenses in California, so presumably no one need wait more than one day to marry there.

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This is an equation I've never seen before, but in all honesty with 50% of all marriages ending in divorce - if both people agree that using contraception is a positive thing for their relationship - then I will guess 40% vs 60% of people who disagree about using contraception. Most people find having children adds a ton of stress to their marriage, if the marriage is floundering adding children to the mix usually doesn't help a marriage in trouble. A marriage that is strong and healthy may be better equipped to deal with the stress.