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People in medieval times didnt poo...there was no sewarage?

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Q: Was sewerage placed in castle moats?
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Some people today think that alligators and crocodiles were placed in moats to help protect the castle from invaders True or False If true from where were the animals brought If false what was re?

There is a myth that alligators or crocodiles were placed in the moats. This is not true. Some moats did have eels and other kinds of fish in them for food. Sometimes, sharpened sticks (bungy sticks) were placed in the moat to prevent attackers from safely entering it. Burning liquids may also have been poured in the moats, but references to this are not proven.

Do motte and bailey castle moats have water in them?

yes they do

Were crocodiles ever placed in moats around castles?


What provides the secure defense of the castle that prevents the castle from being attacked and captured?

Moats and thick and high walls

What are moats in castles?

A moat is the small body of water that usually circles the outside of the castle.

What animal did some people think were kept in moats?

Some people that alligators and crocodiles were kept in moats. This what people would envision when they were told a castle was surrounded by a moat.

What were the disadvanages of moats?

The advantages of moats in medieval times where that it made it extremely difficult for an attacking army to get into the castle. Castles usually had bridges that crossed over the moats so in times of war these gates would be raised up forcing the attackers to just generally lob boulders at the castle rather than foot soldiers running in and slaughtering everyone.

What geographic features are considered when building a castle?

Thick woodland/concealing foliageHilltopRivers and moats for source of water

In Medieval Times why did they put motes around the castle?

In the medieval times, they used moats as a defence against intruders.

Why did castles have moat?

Moats were filled with water and would have slowed down any attempt to take the castle.

What part of the castle's structure help in its defense?

Stone walls, moats, drawbridges, and tiny windows are defensive structures in the castle. High towers allow people to see enemies coming.