

Was slavery good for the south?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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11y ago

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yes slavery was good for the south

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Q: Was slavery good for the south?
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As slavery became entrenched in the south what effect did agriculture have on southerners?

slavery was defended as a positive good

Why did the south thunk slavery was good?

Many in the South believed that slavery was good for their economy because it provided them with a cheap source of labor to work on plantations, which in turn generated profits for wealthy landowners. Additionally, there were deeply entrenched racial and social beliefs that justified the subjugation of African Americans.

Was the south for or against slavery?

The south was against slavery.

Why was the south against slavery?

Actually the NORTH was against slavery, and the SOUTH wanted slavery.

Did the south favor or oppose slavery?

The South favoured slavery

What generalization can you make about the abolition of slavery in the south?

They did not want slavery in the south they wanted to be apart of slavery.

Why did the south think slavery was good?

The South believed that slavery was good because it provided a cheap labor source that fueled the economy of the region, particularly in agriculture. They also argued that slaves were considered property and were essential for maintaining the plantation system that was central to Southern society. Additionally, they claimed that slavery was justified using religious and pseudo-scientific beliefs to support their position.

Did the north or the south have slavery?

Both had slavery, the south just had it for longer.

How did the north and the south differ in their ideas about extending slavery?

the north didnt want slavery but the south want slavery

Was the South for slavery in the US?

Yes. The South was pro-slavery, while the North was anti-slavery. Hope this helps!

Were the south against slavery or were the union?

The Union (North) was against slavery while the Confederate (South) was against slavery.

How do the beliefs of the North compare to the beliefs of the South?

the north have slavery but the south did have slavery