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The Union (North) was against slavery while the Confederate (South) was against slavery.

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Q: Were the south against slavery or were the union?
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Was the union for or against slavery and why?

No they thought slavery was bad that's how the civil war started but in the 1800s there was slavery in the north and south. The Union was anti-slavery.

Was William sherman against or for slavery?

He was against slavery, because he was on the union side. The union side was against slavery.

What were the points of view between the union and confederacy?

the union (north)was against slavery and wanted to keep the union while the Confederacy (south) was pro slavery and wanted to brake away from the union

Was the south for or against slavery?

The south was against slavery.

Why was willian t sherman against slavery?

William T. Sherman was against slavery because he was on the Union side. The Union side was against slavery. When the Confederate side was for slavery. So since Sherman's on the Union side, he was against it.

Why was the south against slavery?

Actually the NORTH was against slavery, and the SOUTH wanted slavery.

Who were the people that won the Civil War?

the two parts in the civil war were the union(north, against slavery) and the confederates (south, supporting slavery) and the union won after the confederates surrendered!

Was the union for slavery?


How were north and south different?

north was against slavery while south supported it, also South wanted to secede from the union and become there own country.

What did the union of slavery and cotton do?

The union of slavery and cotton were able to impede the South's development into two important areas, the industries and railroad. The union slavery and cotton were also central to the South's prosperity.

Who was against slavery north or south?

The answer is north. North is against slavery.

What were some of the regional differences that divided the northern and southern states after independence?

They were having disagreements on slavery. The North (Union) was against slavery and were the free states. The South (Confederate) was for slavery and were slave states.