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No, the 11 September 2001 terrorist attack were the work of some lower beings.


These things that happen are meant to happen for a reason you may not understand. It is written, man is just a human with limited understanding. You can interpret 9/11 in The Bible in the book of Revelations. The fruit of man has been shown it's up to you to find it. If you do not live in darkness what you find may shock you utterly.


This is such a hard question to answer. I believe in God and there is no way we can ever understand his plan for us. We look at things in this world in a much smaller perspective and we can't understand why bad things happen to good people. I would like to say that I don't think God would curse the U.S. for anything or any other country. Sometimes I feel God gives us all a wake-up call. Countries fighting amongst each other and people not helping other people. The people killed in 9/11 should be held in high regard on that fatal day. There were many heroes on those planes and that last plane managed to control things so there was not more damage and gave up their lives doing so. We must honor their memory realizing not one country is totally safe and that we must all band together to protect each other. To give of ourselves, to love others as we love ourselves and to help where we can. We should make their deaths worthwhile.

Now that the hurricane has hit Mississippi, New Orleans, etc., it appears the end of time is almost upon us. I don't think so, and if we look back in history our weather, earth, etc., is constantly changing and natural disasters do occur however unfair it may seem. I am amazed at the faith those poor victims have even after all they have been through. Having a great faith in God helps you get through many difficult times in your lives and also gives one great strength. These cities will be built again and with each disaster they learn how to prevent this from ever happening again. I have watched the news and seen whites helping blacks and vice-versa and I've seen people come together. Other countries banning together to help as best they can, States opening up their homes and hearts to put as many of these victims in a good home and it's all about survival. Helping each other (no matter what our race) and believing in God we can conquer anything.



If you were to follow the documentary evidence of the entire fiasco you may conclude that it had more to do with Politics and greed than with God.

There are a lot of conspiracy theories, which suggest that the despicable act had more to do with the internal governance than with external fanatics.

You should consider the fact that the Government now has the authority to encroach upon the basic rights and freedoms of the citizenry under the so-called Anti-Terrorism Legislation. The creators of the Man-God in their image and likeness have found another ingenious way to keep their subjects under control. They can now invade your privacy with impunity and now with the use of advance technology they are equal to GOD. With the used of satellite technology they can be here, there and everywhere. They can see you when your sleeping, see you when your awake and they can hear every sound that you make. They can create biological agents that make you sick and then they can create expensive antidotes as cures.

The higher beings are not aliens but those egocentric megalomaniacs we appoint to GOVERN us.


There was a scam going around that said: "The flight number of ill fated flight was Q33N. Open a new word document on your computer . Put caps lock on type the above flight number. Select the font to 72. Again select and change the font to wingdings. You will get your answer."

It's hogwash. There are no single letter 'Q' flights. The American Airlines aircraft flight would start AA or AAL, the United Airlines Flight would start UA or UAL. The flight numbers were 11 and 175 and 77 (pentagon) respectively.


A few people have been said to predict it such as Nostradamus and Valerie Clarke, a British psychic who predicted it on a chatshow.

Funny how neither Nostradamus or Clarke got noticed. A lot of this sort of thing is retro-predictions. Psychics have been known to fake footage of themselves giving predictions, and N. did his work centuries ago and all kinds of people make up new, phony N. predictions.

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There is no need to include theories and fantasies of such things as higher beings to explain terrorism. There is more than enough evidence of our own dealings with people and systems with which we disagree, not to the lengths some people will go to force others to believe as they do.
There is no evidence of higher beings involving themselves in human affairs at any time or anywhere.
To invoke the intervention of outside and supernatural forces to explain things which are far more easily explained by human behaviour is to ignore logic and common sense.

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