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Hitler and his followers believed that the Germans were the master race.

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Q: Was the Master Race the Jews or the Nazis?
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What group did Nazis deem unfit to belong to the aryan master race'?


What group did Nazis deem unfit to belong to the Aryan master race?


Why did the Nazis capture Jews?

The Nazis believed that the Jews were subhumans and did not deserve to be treated like people. So, the Nazis deported the Jews and isolated them into ghettos (the Warsaw Ghetto was the largest) in order to perfect the German race. Hitler believed that Jews living with Aryans (pure Germans) would ruin his master race, and therefore, he came up with his 3 solutions.

What was the name of the superior race the Nazis wanted to empower?

The Nazis believed the "Aryan" race was the "master race".

Why did the Nazis outlaw marriage between Jews and other Germans?

The Nazis believed that Jews were an inferior race and they didn't want their own race to be 'contaminated'.

What were the Nazis beliefs?

The Nazis believed that they were the master race, and that no one else was equal to them. They also blamed the loss of territory in World War 1 was the Jews fault so they cold bloodily murdered them in the Holocaust.

What groups did the Nazis deem unfit to belong the the Aryan master race?

The Jews, Gypsies/Romani, gay people, Catholics, the handicapped, and Slavs.

What groups did the Nazis deem to unfit to belong to the aryan master race?

The Jews, Gypsies/Romani, gay people, Catholics, the handicapped, and Slavs.

What groups did Nazis deem unfit to belong to the Aryan's master race?

The Jews, Gypsies/Romani, gay people, Catholics, the handicapped, and Slavs.

Who belonged to the ''Master Race'' in the Nazis?

Answer .Full blooded germans and Aryans. Jews, Gypsies, Freemansons, and Jehovah's Witnesses were considered inferior.

Who else besides the Jews did the Nazis feel were inferior unworthy or unfit to be part of the master race?

Besides the Jews, Nazis persecuted homosexuals, gypsies, physically and mentally handicapped, and obviously political enemies. To be unworthy or unfit to be part of the master race meant that one was not of Aryan descent.

The Nazis originated a pseudoscientific doctrine regarding this master race?

Pure Aryan Race, no such race