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Q: Was the US the world's greatest creditor nation?
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How did the change in trade affect the US' economic standing?

the united states became the largest creditor nation in the world

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In the 1800s

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How did the US go from being a Creditor nation to a debtor nation?

The failure of Reagonomics, also known as "Supply Side Economics", or "Trickle Down Economics"

Did the US become a debtor nation at the end of the world war 2?

The US went from the largest creditor nation to a debtor (eventually largest) during the Reagan administration. Charles Pervo

How did the change in trade affect the US economic standing?

the united states became the largest creditor nation in the world

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the worlds most populous nation is china ;)

Why is Michael Jackson not a contender for 4music's worlds greatest popstars?

Michael Jackson is not included due to his recent death, so seeing as he is no longer with us, he can't be counted as a contender. However, the worlds greatest popstar shows do include a tribute to him in which he is recognized for the qualities that in the opinion of many made him the worlds greatest popstar.

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What is the greatest sea faring nation?

The Vikings from Scandanavia were at one time; Spain was at one time. According to Great Britain, they are the greatest sea faring nation. Japan was fast approaching greatness from 1894 until the end of WWII in 1945, when it's massive Navy was destroyed. Today, in the 21st century; the US is the greatest sea faring nation.

Which country has the worlds second largest economy?

The US has the second largest economy in the world, as the European Union has the largest economy, although not a nation. Out of countries, China has the second largest economy.