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The US has already developed. Many of the emerging former Communist Bloc nations of Eastern Europe could be considered developing.

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Q: Is the US a good example of a developing nation?
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The US is an example of?

A developing nation.

Is the US a developing nation?

No. It's already developed.

What are two example of a nation?

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Many citizens of the us of a believe torturing of people is disgraceful to the nation.

Can the us be considered a nation-state?

The USA is not a nation state but rather is a Union, a nation state derives political legitimacy from the fact that it is a sovereign entity that is part of the country. A good example of a nation state is Japan. The Union system used by the USA is where the states remain under the entire country.

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for us to have a better personality not an attitude,and be a good follower to our community.

What is and example of a city-state?

a multi state nation is a nation that crosses over country borders. i.e. kurdistan a nation that crosses over parts of the middle east, georgia, armenia etcAdditional answerThe US is an example of a nation which has many states, and is therefore a multistate nation. The United Kingdon could be called a multinational state. But if you, the questioner, really means what you say in the question then the US is your prime example.

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Less developed than the US or Europe, more developed than some others.

What divide the nation's?

Please resubmit your question and tell us what nation you are asking about, and what time period. Good and Evil

How is the US governments like englands?

a good government and nation and people

What are the difference of products sold by developing nation than those by developing countries?

Products sold by developed nations versus those solid developing nations are different in that those made in developing nations are cheaper and depending on the nation are inferior or sometime superior to the same product made in a developed nation. Developed nations have access to raw materials that may not be available in their own country, which can improve the products they can make for export. For example, China has access to copper and steel from the US and other countries. Recently, they purchased a US company, Smithfield Farms, that produces pork, which they need for their citizens. This is rapidly changing them from a developing country to a developed country. However, in doing so, they have ruined their environment and have limited the lives of their citizens to provide cheap labor. They have a way to go. India is another country that is on the rise, as their citizens become more educated in information technology and the medical fields.