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Many wars have been given this title. It depends on your criteria.

The American Civil War was the first war that was widely photographed, and where large troop-numbers were transported to the battlefield by rail.

The first military use of the telegraph and of rifle-barrelled artillery also changed front-line tactics.

Sherman, in particular, has been called the first modern General, because of his 'scorched earth' strategy, which shortened the war by many months, at minimal casualties.

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12y ago
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8y ago

It was the first modern war evidencing at the same time the last tactical principles in force during the Napoleonic wars, principles of which the military leaders of both side were imbibed especially during the early stage of the war, that is before they could, at least in part, understand what great changes

in warfare had to be adopted following the advent of new rifled weapons, technologies and new inventions .

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14y ago

The first modern war. World War 1 was the Great War.

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14y ago

maybe, but i dont expect it realy was,

id rather call the french prussian war of 1870-1871 as the first modern war since then there was a lot more juse of artilery etc.

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There are several wars worldwide that are called 'the first modern war'. The Civil War in the US was one of these. Innovations in the Civil War included the first ship sunk by a submarine, use of aerial surveillance to guide artillery, mechanized movement of troops, ironclad ships, rifled guns (both naval guns and infantry weapons), trench warfare, repeating rifles, percussive cannon shells, and more. Many of these innovations were also used in the Austria-Prussia War and Franco-Prussian war, which preceded and succeeded the Civil War respectively.

Why is the civil war called the first modern war?

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