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Q: Was the cotton gin encouraged by textile mills?
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How did the cotton gin in increase the production of cotton?

The cotton gin helped improve the cotton industry.

How did the cotton gin and textile mill alter the curse of relations between the notheren and southern regions of the US?

Samuel Slater brought the secret of textile mills to the north and many mills popped up in New England. Lowell, Massachusetts was the central city for textile production. Young women worked long hours in the mills. They were controlled by bells, and created a close community.Eli Whitney created the cotton gin that made it easier to clean cotton and produce it in greater quantities. Cotton became important in the textile industry and was in great demand. Growing cotton was an easy way to get rich and became important to Southern Economy.

What was an invention made for textile industry?

cotton gin

Throughout the 1800 how did the price of cotton change?

Because of the invention of the cotton gin the planters were able to grow more cotton and this brought the price down. The biggest buyer of cotton was England for the textile mills.

Why was cotton production and the use of the cotton gin encouraged after 1790?


What invention kept slavery going in the South?

The cotton-gin - invented by Eli Whitney, which made it possible for textile mills to use short-staple cotton for mass-market goods like blankets.

What American invetion aided the British textile industry?

the cotton gin

How did the cotton gin advance the growth of the textile indurtry?

It provided a faster method of seperating seeds from cotton

Many textile factories were built after invented the cotton gin.?

Eli Whitney

The Southern US states became the world's greatest cotton-producing region partly as a result of?

The cotton gin was an invention of Eli Whitney. This machine saved time by removing seeds from cotton plants, thus saving labor. As the textile mills of the world, including those of the New England states needed cotton, the cotton gin allowed for the faster processing of the cotton plant to feed the overwhelming demand for cotton.

Why was there an increased demand for the cotton?

The spinning Jenny was invented in England and the mills needed cotton. The cotton gin had been invented so the south could produce to bales of cotton needed by the mills.

What Americans invention aided the British textile industry?

The Cotton Gin invented by Eli Whitney aided the British textile industry.