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The British military empire had seized 400 US vessels and kidnapped 7000 American men over a 6-year period preceding 1812. But President James Madison, in 100% compliance with the US Constitution, led America to victory, while keeping total battle deaths below 2000, and with federal spending less than 4% of the gross National Product. That would be like a federal budget today of $600 billion during a war with China!

The victory led to free trade on the Mississippi River, Great Lakes, and Atlantic Ocean, which in turn triggered the American industrial Revolution and glorious eras like the Era of Good Feelings and Jacksonian democracy.

As we approach the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812, we should learn from the great wisdom of James Madison.

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Q: Was the declaration of war of 1812 a mistake or the result of President Madison's genuine fear that the American republican experiment could fail?
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