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George Washington was an independent. He did not belong to any political party.

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Q: Was the first US president a democratic or republican?
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How old is the Democratic Party in the US?

The "Democratic" party we know today dates from the 1800's, so does the Republican. Lincoln was the first Republican president in 1860.

Who was the first Republican president of the United States?

Abraham Lincoln was the first president who was a member of the modern Republican party. Some sources, particularly simplified charts, describe earlier presidents as being republican, but that was a different and not directly related party, which was formally called the Republican Democratic party. Thomas Jefferson, for example, is often cited as being the first Republican president, but he was, in fact, a Republican Democrat (which actually spawned a quasi-modern Democratic party).

Who was the first us presidsent from the Republican Party?

Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican President.

Were the father-son US Presidents part of the Republican or Democratic Party?

President George H.W. Bush and his son President George W. Bush are both Republicans. President John Adams was a Federalist and his son President John Quincy Adams was a Democratic-Republican. President William Henry Harrison was a Whig and his grandson President Benjamin Harrison was a Republican.

Was Abraham Lincoln the first Republican president?

The Republican Party was founded in 1854, with Abraham Lincoln as one of its early members. Prior to that, including during his time in the House of Representatives, Lincoln was in the Whig Party.

What party did the Democrats come from?

The modern Democratic Party in the US originated with the Republican Party: now referred to as the Democratic-Republican Party (1791-1825). The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. After the original Democratic-Republican Party split in 1825, those who opposed Democratic president Andrew Jackson formed the Whig Party in 1833.

List the 2 major political parties in the USA?

The Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

The first three US Presidents of the Democratic-Republican Party were all from what state?


Who was the first president in the US belonging to Democratic Party?

John Adams was the first president with a political party. He was a federalist. Contrary to popular belief, George Washington had no political party though many people consider him a federalist. He preached about the dangers of political parties and how they'll divide the nation throughout his entire presidency. Look where we are now!

Is Maryland a democratic or Republican state?

Democratic- the last Republican president who won in Maryland was Reagan

Who was the first Republican to be elected president?

The first person elected to the US Presidency from the Republican Party was Abraham Lincoln. The first national Republican campaign for President ran John Fremont in 1856 but he lost.

Does Bangladesh have a democratic or Republican government?

Bangladesh doesn't have any democratic or republican government like US does.