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There is certainly a better claim for the Persian Gulf War of 1991 to be a moral war than many other wars, considering that the UN Coalition waged that war in order to liberate the occupied State of Kuwait.

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Q: Was the first gulf war 1990-91 good?
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How did the 1 gulf war end?

how did the first gulf war end

When did the first gulf war finish?

Many historians agree that the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-1988 was the first Gulf War.

In what year did the United States first go to war with Iraq?

The first war with Iraq started in 1990. This war, also known as Operation Desert Storm, the Persian Gulf War, First Gulf War, Gulf War I, or the First Iraq War, started when Iraq invaded Kuwait.

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Some historians consider the Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988 to be the first Gulf War.

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The US did win the first Gulf war(1991) however the snd gulf war (2003) was a collosal failure in its result.

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I was barely a toddler at the time, so there was very good reason for me to stay out of the Gulf War.

What is the war when the US kick Iraq out of Kuwait?

The First Gulf war

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The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988 in the Persian Gulf was monitored by US/Allied nations.

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The Iranian 1st Armored Division or the Iraqi 1st Armored Division during the first Gulf War (1980-1988)?

How did Iran win the Persian Gulf War?

Iran was only involved in the First Persian Gulf War also known as the Iran-Iraq War and that war was resolved by armistice after a stalemate. Iran was not part of the Second Persian Gulf War (from 1990-1991) or the Third Persian Gulf War (from 2003-2011).

When first golf war?

Prior to Operation Desert Storm in January 1991; the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) was called the gulf war or the Persian Gulf War.