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Q: Was the peace treaty of 1919 - 1923 fair?
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Were the versaillies treties fair?

It matters on whos side your looking from. If you were looking from USA's perspectvie, then no, it was not fair, since president Wilson wanted to treat Germany with peace after the war. If you are looking from the rest of the Allied power's view, it was perfectly fair considering all the lives that were lost in the war

How is Germany treated after World War 1?

They were treated cautiously, but they were forced into signing a peace treaty. It was broken when German Tanks rolled into Poland almost 10 years later, starting up WW2. Right before world war 2, Winston Churchill was informed Italian dictator Meussino Bentino intended to ally with Hitler in the next war. After a few moments, Churchill answered "That's fair; we had them last time."

Why did the British resent China's trade restrictions?

Trade with the ememy in the revolutionary war hinged on international law. The U.S model commercial treaty of 1776 and the treaty of Armity. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The British were a trading nation and felt that while China was quite prepared to export porcelain, silk and tea to the British and obtain lots of money for this, they were refusing to allow the British to send and sell British goods (apart from mechanical devices like clocks) in China. In other words there was an artificial imbalance in the arrangements for trade imposed by the Chinese authorities. The British felt this was not fair and decided to undermine the Chinese government imposing it.

What terms of the agreement were fair to Germany?

I do not think it was fair to germany at all I think it was really dumb that it had hapined to any one in the war at all.

Why did the World's Fair end?

because they wanted to

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What are the release dates for The Fair Cheat - 1923?

The Fair Cheat - 1923 was released on: USA: 16 September 1923

What was president Wilson's main objective at the peace conference at the end of World War 1?

To write a treaty that was fair to all countries.

What are the release dates for Fares and Fair Ones - 1919?

Fares and Fair Ones - 1919 was released on: USA: 5 May 1919

Why is it important for a peace agreement such as treaty of Versailles to be regarded as fair by all sides?

Because if one side doesn't think the treaty's fair they may start another war. The perfect example is the Versailles Treaty. Germany didn;t like it and the disatifaction added to the appeal of Hitler's offer to take over Europe.

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The Fair Maid of Perth - 1923 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U

What are some achievements of the confederation government?

1.) the establishment of a fair policy for the development of the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains and 2.) a peace treaty with Great Britain.

What actors and actresses appeared in Fares and Fair Ones - 1919?

The cast of Fares and Fair Ones - 1919 includes: Joe Rock

The first contribution of the US to the war was what?

hope for a wuick and fair peace

What achievements were made under the articles of the Confederation?

1.) the establishment of a fair policy for the development of the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains and 2.) a peace treaty with Great Britain.

When was Novi Sad Fair created?

Novi Sad Fair was created in 1923.

Are peace treaties fair?

i think peace treaties are fair becasue it is saving loads of lives

What are the release dates for The Famous Mrs- Fair - 1923?

The Famous Mrs- Fair - 1923 was released on: USA: 19 February 1923 Finland: 8 February 1925 Portugal: 25 January 1926