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Q: Was the political system strong in Britain in the 1820's?
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What year did Idaho come under British control?

The Hudson's Bay Company, which was British-owned, ran the trading in Idaho in the 1820s...but Britain never had political control of Idaho.

What two new political parties were formed in the 1820s?

whigs and tories

What contributed to the peace between political parties in the 1820s?

The federalists party disappeared.

In the 1820s and 1830s what were the the public's attitude toward political parties?

e. none of the above

What contributed to the temporary peace between political parties in the 1820s?

The dissapearance of the Federalist party

Who was true political and philosophical allies in the 1820s?

John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay

What party favored the state government over the federal?

The Federalist Party was the first American political party, from the early 1790s to 1816, the era of the first party system, with remnants lasting into the 1820s.

An important political change of the 1820s was that?

mass participation through wider voting rights for white males.

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Why was the time period around the administration of James Monroe called The Era of Good Feelings?

Because Political differences seemed to disappear and the Federalist Party was nearly non existent. By the 1820s, there was really only one political party remaining in the US.

The federalists were the first political party in what country?

The Federalist Party was the first political party in the United States of America. It was formed in the early 1970s and continued in some form until the 1820s.

How where mechanical pencils invented?

The first mechanical pencil was invented in Britain in the early 1820s, and patented by John Hawkins and Sampson Mordon in 1822.