

Water moves into phloem by

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: Water moves into phloem by
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What do the veins of the leaf contain?

They contain xylem and phloem. Xylem moves water up and phloem moves glucose up or down.

What is tissue that moves food from leaves and stems?

Phloem .

What are the different between xylem and phloem?

They are both types of vascular tissue in plants, but phloem moves food down the plant from the leaves to the roots, whereas xylem moves water from the roots up to the rest of the plant tissue.

What are the 2 types of tubes in a plant?

Xylem moves materials and water up. Phloem carries sugar down into the roots.

What is a tissue that moves sugar?

phloem cells

What is a tissue that moves sugar from the leaves to other parts of the plant?


What is pholeum?

Phloem is the vascular tissue that which food moves through

In a plant the pressure flow hypothesis explains the movement of sugar from the to the?

The movement of sugars in the phloem begins at the source, where (a) sugars are loaded (actively transported) into a sieve tube. Loading of the phloem sets up a water potential gradient that facilitates the movement of water into the dense phloem sap from the neighboring xylem (b). As hydrostatic pressure in the phloem sieve tube increases, pressure flow begins (c), and the sap moves through the phloem by mass flow. Meanwhile, at the sink (d), incoming sugars are actively transported out of the phloem and removed as complex carbohydrates. The loss of solute produces a high water potential in the phloem, and water passes out (e), returning eventually to the xylem.

What are the jobs of the pholem and xylem?

the xylem moves water and minerals up the stem from roots to leaves and phloem moves food from the leaves to the rest of the plant it can transport food up and down in a plant.

What plant tissue transports sugar solution?

Xylem moves water upward and Phloem move food and nutrients downward to the roots.

What moves sugars that are made in the plant's leaves?

phloem in vascular tissue.