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Q: Water pollution can cause what problems to coral reefs?
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Are coral reefs unaffected by pollution?

Yes, coral reefs are being destroyed because of global warming, overfishing, pollution, etc.

How does pollution affect a coral reef?

By adding various chemicals and stuff which can cause pollution to the sea can cause alot of damage to Coral Reefs as well as the aquatic animals.

What is making the coral reefs die out?

Pollution and global warming have caused coral reefs to die.

How long does it take for a coral reef to be destroyed?

it depends on where it is and the pollution levels in the water.

What are some concerns with coral reefs as there life?

because of water pollution (boats, gasoline, oil, etc.) coral reefs are dying because they cannot withstand the pollution so they disintegrate

What kind of problem do coral reefs have?

The biggest problem facing Coral Reefs is water pollution. The tiny animal that make up the reef, Coral Polyps, are extremely sensitive to changes in their environment. Man-made pollution can caused Coral 'die offs' that wipe out large areas of a reef in a short period of time. "Pollution" factors can include the raising of the water temperature surrounding the reef, as well as chemical pollution. Some sea animals do feed on Coral Polyps, but that effect is minimal and a part of the natural environment.

How does man affect the coral reefs?

pollution, boat traffic, higher temperatures (caused by climate change - cause coral bleaching) and aggressive fishing.

What are the safety concerns for fish in the ocean?

coral reefs being destroyed and water pollution

How could I help the coral?

All problems are caused by the activity and presence of people. Damage is caused by waste and pollution

What human behavior harms the environment?

Tourism in some environments cause pollution of trash. Also for example in the coral reef tourists swim in the coral reefs and break off pieces of coral. they are killing coral

How are coral reefs being destroyed?

coral reefs are being destroyed by a number of things, including ; global warming, over fishing and pollution. while there may be many more these are the main ones. Another way coral reefs are being destroyed is that people are look for the the fish living inside the coral reef so they use crowbars to pry open the the coral

What are the harmful practice of man that can cause destruction of coral reef?

Coastal congestion,coastal pollution,and coastal migration contribute to the destruction of coral reefs.Coastal construction also disturbs the coral reef ecosystem.