

Water weight ice weight

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Water's weight, when frozen into ice stays the same, but the density of water is much higher than ice's, since Ice has the same weight and contents of Water, but takes up significantly more space.

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Q: Water weight ice weight
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Ten lbs ice how many ounces of water?

Ten pounds (160 ounces) of ice melts into ten pounds (160 ounces) of water. The volume decreases when ice melts, but the weight does not change.

Why does weight melt ice?

The melting of ice represents a change of state (solid to liquid). When ice melts, nothing "disappears" from where it melted. The mass of the water is the same as that of the ice. Think of it in terms of molecules of water - the number stays the same and the mass will be the same. So, with the same force pulling those molecules down (gravity), there is no reason for mass to change as everything is still there. It's like weighing an apple, smashing it up, and weighing it again. It'll stay (roughly) the same. Thankyou for the answer on my homework

In which state water are less found?

Based on volume -- solid (ice) Based on mass or weight --- gaseous (water vapor or steam)

Do molecules of ice have less mass than the molecules of water?

Mass is just "the amount of stuff there is". We can measure it in kg. If I have 4kg ice and 4kg water, then the answer is "no", but I could just as easily have 4kg of ice and 5kg water, in which case the answer is "yes". If you mean "does freezing water make it heavier?", then the answer is no - 4kg water makes 4kg ice, and they will weigh the same. However, ice has a greater volume than water*, so freezing water will make it expand. *This is not true for every liquid/solid combo.

How many ml of water in an ice cube?

Any amount of water can make an ice cube. It's not the amount that determines if water will become ice, it is the temperature. The water just needs to be at a temperature of 0oC or lower, and it will become ice.

Related questions

Can you gain weight by eating ice?

You cannot gain weight by eating ice. Ice is water and water is used to hydrate the body. This may actually help you lose weight.

Does an ice cube with a certain weight melts and the resulting weight is?

An ice cube will lose weight as it melts because the ice turns into water, which is lighter than ice. The resulting weight of the water will be less than the original weight of the ice cube.

When Ice floating on water melts what happens to liquid level and why?

The liquid level stays the same because ice already displaces its own weight in water. When the ice melts, it simply turns into liquid water, which takes up the same volume as the ice did, maintaining the equilibrium in liquid level.

Why is the volume of 1 gram of water the same as 1 gram of ice?

It is not. It varies slightly. The volume of ice will be larger than with water when water and ice are the same weight.

Can ice make you loss weight?

im not sure but apparentley drinking 12 glasses of water a day can make you loose 50 calories. so, seen as ice is just frozen water, i guess you can loose weight if you just eat alot of ice.

Which has higher denesity ice or water?

Water has higher density than ice. When water freezes into ice, it expands and becomes less dense, causing ice to float on water.

Why do you think ice has a higher density than water vapour?

Because ice is solid and has a heavier weight that cause it to have higher density and as for water vapour, it is gaseous and has lower density due to not having any weight.

What is the weight of a block of ice twenty four inches by twenty four inches by twenty four inches if ice weighs ninety two percent as much as water and water weighs 62.5 pounds per cubic foot?

The volume of the block of ice is 2ft * 2ft * 2ft or 8 ft3. The equivalent weight of 8 cubic feet of water is 8ft3 * 62.5 lb/ft3 or 500 lbs. To find the weight of ice take 92% of the equivalent weight of water or 0.92 * 500 lbs = 460 lbs

Is drinking ice water good for weight loss?

it makes your tummy full

Do ice cubes help you lose weight?

Yes, in my opinion it does because water is proven to reduce hunger, lower cholesterol, and tones muscles. Since ice is frozen water, it does all of these things as well. It also gives you something to munch on so you dont think about food as much. :)Yes ;)

When ice melts does it get heavier or lighter?

No. As it melts, it will saturate the layer below it, so that layer of snow will be heavier but there will be the same amount of water-equivalent on the limbs. And some of the water will likely drip off the branches anyway. In other words, the most weight that will be on tree limbs is right after the snow stops falling.

What happens to volume of ice when it melts?

The volume decreases. Ice is less dense than water. Put another way, a given weight of water can be stored in a smaller volume than the same weight of ice. Another possible, but also possibly less helpful, answer is that ice cubes get smaller as they melt because they lose content as the water in them runs off as a liquid.