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navigation acts

glorius revolution

balance of trade

domination of New England

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Q: Ways that England tried to keep control over its colonies?
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In what ways did England control it's American colonies?

well it wasnt until after the French and Indian war that England really tried to totally control the colonies. They imposed taxes, such as the stamp act, and the tea tax. Some of the colonies had governors apointed by the British to run their colony. They also didnt want the colonies to engage in trade with other countries so they would try to control ports. The proclamation of 1763 also stated that colonists couldn't move into the land west of the Appalachian mountains.

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What are the 5 ways that jefferson believes england has acted against her american colonies

Compare southern colonies?

The New England and the Southern colonies both found ways to use the land.

How did England try control trade with its colonies?

Passing several Navigation Acts

What culture does England have?

The culture that England have can be categorized to their ways of lives, their clothing and their art. They have been able to influence their former colonies with their culture.

List three ways parliament tried to tax the colonies?

stamp act, quarter act, and tea act

How did the New England make money?

There were a number of ways that the New England colonies made money when they separated from England. They made money by fishing and cutting trees for example.

Give two ways England politically controlled her colonies?

Taxes without representation and appointed governorships.

Why did Europe have money from the colonies?

England got money from the 13 colonies by taxing them. They put a tax on things such as tea and printed materials. The townshend and tea acts are both two ways that England got money from the 13 colonies. Other countries in Europe got money from the colonies by trading items with them such as in slave trade.

How did the Great War for Empire change relationship between England and its American colonies?

In some ways it brought it closer temporarily because the colonies didn't want to side with the French because they wanted their land and they thought the French would control them if they defeated England. But at the same time the colonies were already pushing towards independence and wanted to get rid of Britain and their imposed taxes and laws. But in order to move forward the French had to be defeated so the colonies sided with Britain temporarily. The relationship was weakened through this because of America's independent values.

What was the way in life of the New England?

There ways in New England colonies were very different from other colonies the used to depend on their own crops,and their own money. The large crops that they grew they would ship them to England. Also, they'd -make their own clothes and shoes so the wouldn't have to trade.

In what ways did the colony of New Netherland have a historical-geographical relation to its neighboring middle colonies similar to the one Massachusetts Bay had to the other New England colonies?

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