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Watashi-tachi WA hantai, watashi WA hi de anata WA kōri desu

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Q: We are opposite I am fire and you are ice - Japanese translation?
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What is the opposite of Ice?


What is the opposite of the fire?

Could be water, could be growth, or possibly ice. ice

What is the Japanese version of fire and ice?

"Fire and ice" would be "hi to koori" (hee toh koh-ree).

Does a rubik's ice cube have a different color scheme?

Yes, it uses the Japanese color scheme where blue is opposite white and yellow is opposite green.

What is the English translation of Japanese hyou?

depends on the Kanji for it One of the definitions I know is "Ice" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I learned it means, "panther".

What element is the opposite of death in wizard 101?

Life is the opposite of Death Fire is the opposite of Ice Myth is the opposite of Storm and Balance is exactly what the name implies, balanced, in the middle of all of them.

What do you get from breeding pure ice dragon with fire dragon in dragon city?

Its not possible as they are opposite elements.

What is the opposite of planted?

The opposite of a plant can be several things. A balloon is the opposite of a plant as it is synthetic while a plant is natural. If you're thinking Pokemon then Fire and Ice are the opposite of plant as they are good against it. If you are looking at a plant on the other side of the room then YOU are opposite the plant. But in the end there is no opposite to a plant. The answer is most likely answer fire or light.

What is the opposite of a plant?

The opposite of a plant can be several things. A balloon is the opposite of a plant as it is synthetic while a plant is natural. If you're thinking Pokemon then Fire and Ice are the opposite of plant as they are good against it. If you are looking at a plant on the other side of the room then YOU are opposite the plant. But in the end there is no opposite to a plant. The answer is most likely answer fire or light.

What is the Hebrew translation for Robert Frost's Fire and Ice?

If you mean a translation of the title, it's esh vekerakh me'et Robert Frost (?? ???? ??? ????? ?????)

What is the meaning of fire and ice?

Latin: Fire = ignis, Ice = Glacies French: Fire = Feu, Ice = Glace Italian: Fire = Fuoco, Ice = Ghiaccio Portuguese: Fire = Fogo, Ice = Gelo Spanish: Fire = Fuego, Ice = Hielo Sorry if this didn't help :)

How do you say ice wolf in Japanese?

Ice wolf is kori ookami in Japanese.