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Q: We know about captain cook voyages because he kept a?
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How do we know about Captain Cook's voyages?

We have learned details of Captain James Cook's voyages because he kept a detailed captain's log, or journal, in which he meticulously documented his findings, inclduing drawings, charts and maps.

What did captain cook find in Antarctica?

Not a thing. Captain James Cook was prevented from reaching the Antarctic cotinent because of the pack ice, and the fact that his sails kept freezing. He was only the first European to cross the Antarctic circle, doing so twice.

Why did captain cook get his sailors to eat sauerkraut?

One of the worst conditions to strike sailors on long voyages was scurvy. Scurvy was the result of insufficient vitamins, due largely to the lack of fresh food. James Cook insisted his crew eat sauerkraut because it had Vitamin C, a vital component for warding off scurvy. Sauerkraut, or pickled cabbage, could be kept for a long period of time, yet retain its Vitamin C.

Where did Captain Cook keep food and water on the Endeavour?

Food and water on ships of the time of the Endeavour were kept on the lower decks. Foodstuffs were kept in large tea chests and wooden crates, while water was kept in wooden barrels.

How did Henry Hudson prepare for his voyages?

he just kept on going

What disease did captain cook make sure his men did not catch on long voyages?

Scurvy, which is caused by a lack of vitamin C. Â?Captain Cook stocked up on limes and had his crew eat one every day, and it prevented scurvy, which is a killer if allowed to progress too far.Â?In those days, a ship had hundreds of crew members - about 600 was average - and they could sail for months without seeing land. Â?They had to carry their provisions with them, and once fresh food was eaten, they had to rely on dried rations which provided calories but not much else. Â?Limes kept well and were easy to transport, so they kept the men healthy and capable of hard work.

What journal is kept by the captain of a ship?

The journal kept by the captain of a ship is called log.The Captain's Log, or ship's log, records observations and details of a journey or voyage.

What was on Captain Cook's ships?

Captain Cook's ships, particularly the HMS Endeavour, were equipped with various supplies and equipment for scientific exploration and navigation. This included navigational instruments, maps, charts, scientific tools, including telescopes and microscopes, provisions such as food and water, and trade goods. The ships also carried weapons for defense and negotiation with local populations encountered during the voyages.

Did women artist in the renaissance kept their work a secret?

yes because they weren't allowed to, they were only supposed to stay home and cook and clean.

On his first voyage to the south pacific in 1769 did Captain Cook lose 41 of his 98 crew to scurvy caused by a lack of vitamin C?

No. Captain Cook's ship had several reported cases of scurvy but no deaths of it. The other ships accompanying him had several deaths and many sick. Cook credited a diet including malt to helping the men avoid scurvy (which is not correct) but he also maintained a very clean ship, kept the lower decks dry, made certain all men had proper cold weather jackets, and ordered that men get enough time to sleep. He also refused to allow the cooks to reuse cooking grease, which was common practice and now known to prevent absorption of several key vitamins. His good luck continued on subsequent voyages.

Why did a medieval cook cook?

Because cooked foods are easier to digest, and can be kept longer than raw foods.

How did American merchants expand their trading operation in the 1780s and 1790s?

They sailed from New England ports on voyages they last sometimes three years. They also kept watch out for new goods.