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Yeast grows best in a dark, warm, and moist environment. There is little that can be done about the darkness and warmth, but keeping moisture to a minimum will help someone who frequently suffers from vaginal yeast infections. Sitting around in a wet bathing suit is an obvious no-no. Other ways to keep yeast at bay can include wearing absorbent cotton underwear, as opposed to microfiber, spandex, nylon or other synthetic fibers that are prone to trapping moisture, wearing looser-fitting clothes to promote better air circulation and speed evaporation (skirts, dresses), or (you guessed it) larger cut jeans rather than skinny jeans.

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Q: Wearing skinny jeans will cause yeast infection?
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What color are the jeans you are wearing?

Type your answer here... you are wearing jean typed skinny jeans

Does tight jeans cause A yeast infection?

Wearing tight jeans can cause a yeast infection. Also make sure you are wiping correctly. Eating yogurt will help get rid of the yeast infection faster.

Can skinny jeans cause anything?

Skinny jeans are known to cause yeast infections for girls and women because of their tightness. That doesnt necessarily mean you will get one, but I did right after I started wearing them. But, then again, yeast infections are treatable.

Do skinny jeans sell faster than flare jeans?

They do now. If you go to your mall, 1/2 of the people are wearing skinny jeans.

Are there any dangers of wearing skinny jeans?

Some people say yes, but to me, there is no problem wearing skinny jeans. I wear them all the time so its ok to wear them.

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What color you are you?

i am wearing a red shirt and grey skinny jeans

Was skinny jeans designed for boys or girls first?

Skinny jeans were originally made for girls! I don't know why boys started wearing them!

Are loose skinny jeans bad for you cause skinny jeans are?

skinny jeans are only bad for you if you go to sleep with them, because the cut your circulation, and loose skinny jeans, well i don't think those are bad for you

How do you attract boys to your side?

By wearing a pair of skinny jeans or catsuit!

What color are you whereing?

i am wearing a red shirt and grey skinny jeans

Can I wear skinny jeans when wearing a pad?

You will only know if you try it.