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it depends how old you are. if your under 11, this answer doesn't matter. if he plays with other girls hair, then he probably just likes doing it. if he doesn't he probably likes you cuz think, if he doesn't why would he only to you? now if he's staring at you, you either have like something in your teeth or something like that, or he does like you and is checking you out or he's dreaming about you lol. hope it helped!

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Q: Well I like this guy but I don't know if he likes me I caught him staring at me and he plays with my hair?
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Well if a guy is quarreling with you for no reason and staring aat you does it mean he likes you?

Yes, he more than likely likes you.

How do you know if a girl is staring at you because she likes you or for other reasons?

well its human nature..and attraction , if someone is staring you it does not mean she likes u and if she's doing it continuously than may be she likes u. or if she looks behind while walking at you. than surely she likes u :)

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Well were you looking? and it probably means that they mat know that you have a bit of a crush on one of them and plus they probably were actually wondering but yeah it is kinda awkward when you get caught isn't it lol

If you are 14 and likes a guy who is 16 who often is staring at you how do you know if he likes you or not?

Well I think that he might like you. But if you really wanna know then just ask him straight up don't be scared.

How do you tell when that guy you like likes you back?

well, first he will keep staring at you, talk to you, be nice, or ask for something unusual for ex. a hug.

If a guy looks at a girl does it mean he likes her?

Well my best opinion is that it can mean so many different things that a girl wouldn't know but if staring at you longer then he should, it could be possible sign that he likes you.

What if a guy constantly keeps staring at a girl and will move closer to her and keep staring at her either through the corner of his eye or just plain out STARING?

Well I would think that he definitely likes you/her! But just to make sure he wasn't staring at that little piece of lettuce in your teeth or that huge mustard stain on your shirt, check yourself before going anywhere near him!

Does Marina from Pokémon likes Jimmy?

Well, I guess that's up for debate. But with all the blushing and staring that was going on in the episodes with them, I think Marina does like Jimmy. And I also thing the feeling is mutual and he likes her back.

What if he always stares at you when youre not looking at him?

well think is he definitely staring at you does he like you

How do you know if a guy is nice or he may like you?

To know if a guy likes you. Pay attention to his eyes. Are they staring right at you when you talk or when he talks? Does he have a smile on his face? If he talks to you with his arms crossed there is no chance he likes you. well most of the time

What do you do if a girl likes a guy and stares at him and the guy sees the girl staring?

Don't listen to "get a life person". Because it's mean and yeah. Well, haha, to be stuck in that situation, what you do is say, "ummm... i day dream, i wasn't looking at you, really..." Or you just keep staring at the wall. Haha, well there was this one time that i was looking around the class room and my crush was staring at me and i caught him and he said, "I'm not looking at you, I'm looking over there." it was funny haha. But yeah try that, but just don't act that obvious, try looking down and then look up, but then look somewhere else.

What does it mean when a woman plays with your hair or fluffs your hair for about a minute or so?

well either she is styling your hair, or she likes you. Most likely she likes you.