

Were Jews in the Holocaust considered civilians?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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The Jews targeted in the Holocaust were civilians.

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Q: Were Jews in the Holocaust considered civilians?
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What was the slaughter of European civilians particularly Jews by the Nazi's called?

the holocaust

Were Jewish civilians murdered in Nazi-controlled Europe?

Yes, practically all the Jews murdered in the Holocaust were civilians. Please see the related questions.

Did the Japanese have a Holocaust?

They slaughtered a very large number of Chinese civilians, but found the Nazis' hatred of the Jews completely bewildering.

The slaughter of European civilians particulary European Jews by the Nazis became known as the?

The Holocaust (In Hebrew: HaShoah -- In Yiddish: Churben) Also can be referred to as the final solution.

Why didn't the Jews stop the Holocaust?

They were persecuted, unarmed civilians and were fairly scattered in most of the countries under Nazi rule (except in ghettos).

Why did the holocaust happen to the jews and not other people?

6 million Jews killed 7 million other undesirables killed in camps 25 million soldiers and civilians killed in war

What were the Jews doing to liberate themselves during the Holocaust?

The Jews were (overwhelmingly) unarmed civilians ... They were in no position to stop the Holocaust or 'liberate themselves'. When they did resist, as in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, it was out of desperation rather than anything else.Please see the related questions for further information.

Who paid the Holocaust soldiers to kill Jews?

They were paid by the German government. Incidentally, I wouldn't regard a person who murders innocent civilians as a soldier but as a hired killer.

The mass slaughter of Jews and other civilians carried out by the Nazi government during World War 2?

The term most widely used now is the Holocaust.

Would you have Jews in the Holocaust?

there would not have been the Holocaust without the Jews.

How many civilians died in Concentration Camps during the Holocaust?

The civilians of your mather and your father

Why were the Jews in specific persecuted during the Holocaust?

Jews were the largest victims of the Holocaust with 7 out of 10 Jews in Europe being murdered during the holocaust. Jews were discriminated against because they were not considered racially pure or part of the Aryan Race (ideally blonde haired blue eyes). And Hitler used propaganda against the Jews blaming the whole of world war one on the Jews, this brainwashed Nazis.