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Q: Were clergy and nobility killed in the french revolution?
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What caused the September Massacre during the French Revolution?

The people of Paris didn't want a counter-revolution from the clergy who were imprisoned, so they killed them.

What was the clergy family life like during the french revolution?

Because the clergy owned most of the land, and had a majority of the nation's wealth, they were usually driven out of the country or killed by the peasants.

Who was killed in the french revolution?


What was the Religious aspect of the French Revolution?

The French Revolution was unfriendly toward the Catholic Church. It was in fact punitive in almost every manner. The state confiscated lands, monasteries, convents, schools, churches and anything that could be converted to cash. It exiled thousands of clergy, it imprisoned thousands of clergy and it killed thousands of clergy. France did not reconcile with the Catholic Church until the Concordat between Napoleon and the Pope in 1801.

Did the french revolution have an impact on Marie Antoinette's life?

She was killed because of it.

Was the French nobility a part of the French revolution?

The decline of feudalism made the nobility less important. This was partly because of the rise of the middle class, which included commoners who were as wealthy as or wealthier than many members of the nobility. And it was partly because they had lost their military importance as knights became vulnerable and standing armies reduced their value as a first response. Ultimately, this made life a bit easier for the nobility, as they did not have quite as much responsibility, but were able to buy luxuries supplied by the middle class merchants.

How many people got killed during the French Revolution?

Approximately 40.000.

Who killed Marat during radical phase of French Revolution?

Charlotte Corday

How many king were beheaded in french revolution?

4,000 royals were killed

Whose power decreased after the French Revolution?

Of course the power of the monarchs (well, it didn't decrease, they were actually killed) and the power and privileges of the nobility. The Catholic Church lost all of their property and their vast land holdings and a great many of them also lost their lives.

Why were people killed in the French Revolution?

The stated reason was to preserve and protect the French Revolution from being overthrown by Royalists and moderates.

Who is the Swiss physician who was killed in his bath during the French revolution?

Jean Paul Marat