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Yes Federalists supported a large government while Anti-Federalists favored a smaller more local government

The debate between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists wasn't about "big" vs "small" government, it was about WHERE government should be. That is, generally speaking, Anti-Federalists were for very big (i.e. lots of power) governments at the state and local levels, with a minimal federal government, while Federalists favored a strong, complex, and thus much larger, federal government, with state governments having much less power.

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The question assumes a modern context of "small government" and "low taxes", neither of which are pertinent to the time period when the Federalist Papers were written. That is, Hamilton/Madison/Jay (the authors of the Federalist Papers) would not recognize the modern federal government or even modern society, so the question is both impossible to answer and also a political red-herring.

The best that can be said on the topic is that the Federalist Papers backed a strong central government with strong power to tax. But remember, this is in the context of the debate between the those backing the stronger central-government model envisioned by the Constitution, and the very de-centralized loose association then in force under the Articles of Confederation.

Also, within the Federalists (as a group) there was considerable dissention about exactly how strong and what size the federal government should be.

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9y ago

Federalists were bound together by covenant. They were not necessarily in favor of a federal government.

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