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Q: Were homing pigeons used in the civil war?
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What breed of pigeons were used in World War 1?

Carrier pigeons saved millions of lives. Carrier pigeons saved millions of lives.

Were pigeons used in the civil war?


How were pigeons used in the Revolutionary War?

Pigeons were used as message carriers during the revolutionary war

Which bird carried messages during World War 2?

Homing pigeons.

What was the importance of pigeons in the Civil War?

pigeons were used to take photographs from the sky of the opposing camps.

Who Ivented carrier pigeon?

The homing pigeon comes from selecting pigeons of the rock breed. There is no specific breed actually called "carrier pigeon". Carrier pigeons that are the basic Racing Homer were used to carry messages in World War I and World War II.

Who uses homing pigeons and why?

Pigeon messaging comes from ancient times. The military used as them as messenger in world war one and two and they were used again in the Iraq war. Today they are used for racing.

What was the use of homing pigeons during World War 2?

They where used to send top secret message to allies. There is also a myth that the Germans put cameras on the pidgoens to spy on the enemy.

What did the notes say from world war 1 that homing pigeons delivered?

Pigeons played a vital part in World War One as they proved to be an extremely reliable way of sending messages. Such was the importance of pigeons that over 100,000 were used in the war with an astonishing success rate of 95% getting through to their destination with their message. Pigeons were used extensively in World War One. Man-made communication systems were still crude and unreliable, so dogs and pigeons were used. Pigeons would have been found just about anywhere on the Western Front. At the First Battle of the Marne in 1914, French troops stopped the German advance on Paris.

What were pigeons used for in world war 1 in the trenches?

Pigeons were a communications method that was used often. Many pigeons earned the Dicken Medal, a sort of Medal of Honor for animals that have served above and beyond the call of duty in military actions.

How did pigeons send messages during the revolutionary war?

They didn't use any kind of pigeon, they used homing pigeons. These are a bit special, since they will always return to what they consider their home when released. So if you borrow someone elses homing pigeon, bring them with you as you go, then you can send a message to that other guy by tieing a little capsule containing a little note to the leg of a pigeon and then releasing it.

When were homing pigeons used?

It can't be answered by me just to let you know It can't be answered by me just to let you know katelyn says: u re re dont answer if u dont know to answer the question i says cause their freaking awsome anna is not a re re shes my bestest freind so get it right anna says: their special