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Potatoes were unknown to the Anglo Saxons.

Potatoes are native to the Americas and were unknown in Europe until after the Spanish began exploring and conquering the Americas, after 1500 AD.

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12y ago

No, not in Europe. It was a new world food.

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13y ago

YES ... there were Native Americans in the new world ...

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archaeologists have found traces of potatoes from 500 b.c

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13y ago

No, they were not. Potatoes are from South America and were not brought to Europe until the late 1500's, long after the medieval era was over.

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10y ago

They did not have potatoes, so they went to America to trade for Potatoes! If this is for a huge essay, please don't use my answer cause I might be wrong... good luck! X3

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Q: Were mashed potatoes part of the medieval diet?
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How many pounds of potatoes to make garlic mashed potatoes for 180 people?

This depends on how you are serving the potatoes and what part of the meal the potatoes will be. I would probably use one potato per person. I would also have an extra potato for every two men, and count half of a potato per child. That is if the potatoes were only part of the meal and not the whole meal. Being able to use math comes in handy. I would count the potatoes in a 10 pound bag and then decide how many to buy. I have also found that the different types of potatoes do better in different dishes.

Who doesn't like bananas?

They are composed mainly of starch which is a carbohydrate and is a source of energy. They are also cheap, easy to grow and fill the stomach. They form a basic staple part of the diet just as rice, pasta and bread do (which are also largely composed of starch and are also cheap).

What can you eat when your wisdom teeth are growing in?

For a few days, soup, yogurt, ice cream, Jello, milk, fruit juices. Mashed potatoes are your best friend! Instant mashed potatoes are quick, easy, cheap, and come in many different flavors. The best part is that there is no chewing required! And they're filling. I just put some on my tongue and use it to work the potatoes back so I don't have to suck either.

What makes sweet potatoes a nutritional standout, and how can they be a delicious part of a balanced diet?

Sweet potatoes are a nutritional standout due to their rich content of essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Here are some reasons why sweet potatoes are considered a healthy choice and how they can be a delicious part of a balanced diet: 1. Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin A: Sweet potatoes are a potent source of beta-carotene, which the body can convert into vitamin A. This vitamin is crucial for eye health, immune function, and skin health. Vitamin C: A good source of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that supports the immune system and promotes healthy skin. 2. High in Fiber: Sweet potatoes are high in dietary fiber, which aids in digestion, promotes a feeling of fullness, and helps stabilize blood sugar levels. 3. Complex Carbohydrates: Sweet potatoes are a good source of complex carbohydrates, providing a steady release of energy. 4. Antioxidant Properties: Sweet potatoes contain antioxidants that help protect the body from oxidative stress and inflammation. 5. Potassium Content: A good source of potassium, which is essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure and supporting heart health. 6. Versatile Cooking Options: Sweet potatoes can be prepared in various ways, including baking, roasting, boiling, or mashing. This versatility makes them easy to incorporate into a variety of dishes. 7. Balanced Macronutrient Profile: Sweet potatoes contain a balance of carbohydrates, protein, and minimal fat, making them suitable for a well-rounded diet. Here are some delicious ways to incorporate sweet potatoes into your balanced diet: 1. Baked Sweet Potatoes: Simply bake them in the oven for a flavorful and nutritious side dish. 2. Mashed Sweet Potatoes: Mash sweet potatoes with a touch of butter or olive oil, and season with herbs for a tasty alternative to traditional mashed potatoes. 3. Sweet Potato Fries: Cut sweet potatoes into fries, toss with olive oil and your favorite spices, and bake for a healthier alternative to regular fries. 4. Roasted Sweet Potatoes: Roast sweet potato cubes with olive oil, salt, and pepper for a delicious and easy side dish. 5. Sweet Potato Soup: Blend cooked sweet potatoes with broth and seasonings to make a hearty and nutritious soup. 6. Sweet Potato Salad: Incorporate roasted sweet potatoes into salads for added flavor and nutritional benefits. Remember to enjoy sweet potatoes as part of a varied and balanced diet, combining them with other nutrient-rich foods to meet your overall nutritional needs.

What is a starchy root?

There are several starchy root vegetables. Some include carrots, turnips, potatoes, yams, beets, and parsnips. Starch is an important part of the diet.

Why are root veggies and potatoes common in Germany?

They're part of the German diet. Germany has vast swathes of farmland - making it viable to grow many crops.

Which traditional thanksgiving treat was probably not part of the 1621 pilgrim celebration in plymouth massachusetts?

Pumpkin pie- lack of flour, sugar and spices. Also no turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes or green bean casserole.