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Q: Were the colonies with the strictest slave codes were the ones who freed the most slaves?
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What were the roles of Black slaves and freed Blacks in the colonies?

kill whiteys

What is an example of a slave codes?

Slaves were prevented from learning how to read or write. Slave owners were freed of punishment for beating their slaves. Slave owners were freed of punishment for murder of their slaves.

Who were slaves in the South freed by?

the slaves in the south were freed by the Emancipation Proclamation.

What do you call a newly freed slave?

A slave who was just saved from slavery. <--- That is not right They called them " Freedmen". Then the Freedmen's Bureau is was basically the newly freed slaves government. They developed the Black codes that had 3 Main purposes for former slaves.

How did freed slaves return to Africa?

what was the return to Africa like for the freed slaves this is not an answer.

Who is the lady who freed slaves?

Harriet Tubman, freed many slaves in the 1800s.

Why were black codes similar to slavery?

there were some laws that prohibit the freed slaves to do many things . for example to have a right to vote

Under black codes how was life for freed African Americans similar to life under slavery?

there were some laws that prohibit the freed slaves to do many things . for example to have a right to vote

Number of slaves freed in the south?

almost 4 million slaves been freed

What country was founded by freed slaves?

Liberia is largely populated by freed slaves

Why were black codes so restrictive?

they were endeavored to secure a steady supply of cheap labor, and continued to assume the inferiority of the freed slaves.

Why was the American colonization society founded?

to make a homeland for freed slaves in Africa